More Than Just a Yoga Teacher Training!
Lisbon, Portugal

You have the power to teach yoga! This 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Lisbon, Portugal is designed to create leaders in the yoga industry. 

Are you ready to take your yoga practice to new heights?

Do you dream of becoming a confident and knowledgeable yoga teacher, capable of guiding others on their transformative journey?

Look no further than Power to Lead, the ultimate 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Lisbon, Portugal or at a yoga studio near you!

The next training is happening in Stillwater, OK! Scroll down for details. 

  • Led by Dr. Trish Corley, a highly respected and US licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, Power to Lead is a unique and training program that merges the worlds of yoga, alignment, and leadership.
  • Trish's extensive background as a physical therapist, functional anatomy professor, and internationally recognized yoga teacher guarantees an unparalleled learning experience that goes beyond the mat.
  • Expand your understanding of yoga as you delve into the art of alignment, not just for the physical body, but for the mind and spirit as well.
  • Our comprehensive curriculum has been meticulously crafted to empower you with the tools and knowledge necessary to lead yourself and others on a path of yoga, health, and well-being. 

Details for Stillwater, OK 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

This is a hybrid model in collaboration with Sweat Yoga & Fitness. Most of the training will be in person at the studio (S) while some of it will take place virtually (V). Times are in central standard time.

Summer 2024
June 1 & 2:  8am - 7pm (S)
June 5:  5:30pm - 8:30pm (V)
June 13:  5:30pm - 8:30pm (S)
June 14 - 23: 8am - 7pm (S)
July 10:  5:30pm - 8:30pm (V)
July 13 & 14: 8am - 7pm (S)

Your desire and willingness to expand your yoga practice and knowledge will determine what you get out of this training. No level of yoga practice is required. We just ask that you are excited about yoga and committed to the program.

Training fee: $3,000 USD (payment made to Sweat Yoga & Fitness)
A $500 USD non-refundable deposit is required upon registration.
Sweat Yoga & Fitness does offer payment plans to fit individual needs. Full payment is due by June 14, 2024.
There are a limitd number of scholarships available. 

What's Included
All hours of training, a Yoga Alliance teacher training certificate (if all hours completed), online course materials, a printed manual, fun, growth, and connection to a community like no other!

Full participation is required in order to earn your yoga teacher certificate. Training includes self paced online training and readings. 

Hello there! My name is Dr. Trish Corley.

Hello there!
My name is Dr. Trish Corley.

The world needs more confident and effective yoga teachers to change the health of modern society. I am here to make that happen!

There are many choices when it comes to 200 hour yoga teacher trainings in Lisbon, Portugal. And there is none like Power to Lead.

You will be challenged and nurtured to ensure you extract the maximum value from each step of the journey. In other words, I've got your back. You can expect an environment of growth and support!

What's so special about Power to Lead 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the training. Trish's unique background allows for a comprehensive understanding of alignment and its impact on the body.  
  • Transformational Curriculum: Our curriculum is designed to take you on a transformative journey, both personally and professionally. From anatomy and biomechanics to philosophy and teaching methodology, each module is thoughtfully crafted to provide a well-rounded education. 
  • Authentic Vinyasa Experience: Immerse yourself in the heart of Vinyasa yoga, where breath and movement unite. Explore creative sequencing, dynamic flow, and the art of skillful transitions to create impactful classes that leave a lasting impression. 
  • Leadership Development: Align to Lead goes beyond yoga poses. It empowers you with the leadership skills necessary to inspire and guide others. Discover your unique teaching style and learn to create an inclusive and supportive community. 

Interested in the 200 hour yoga teacher training?
 Have Questions or Ready to Register?
Send a message and Trish will respond personally within 5 business days!